Gagianni Mansion
A traditional mansion in Zagora has three floors and looks more like a small castle.
The first and second floors have very small openings / windows while the third floor which was used as a summer residence is a light construction with large windows and balconies and wooden beams to support the roof. Stained glass windows give a characteristic look to these houses.

Mansions location
Wildlife, with abundant greenery, and access to the beaches of the Aegean. This east side of Pelion full of peace and quiet, with picturesque villages and lonely beaches. a unique miracle - Pelion.
There is no corner here where you do not hear water running, everywhere you will find old and brick fountains to cool off. Mythology says that here in Pelion Asclepius learned the art of medicine from the Centaur Chiron. There are over 2000 medicinal herbs in the mountain.